Friday, March 5, 2010

Project Runway hits the Hardware Store

Since I am currently drowning in recycled grocery bags, Jay the Filipino Jockey's ensemble from last night's episode was more like a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel! He made an amazing outfit entirely of plastic trash bags and even a woven belt(my fave part!).

I am feeling a little less hopeless about my own plastic bag endeavors and may even hit up the hardware store myself...
-Machia Velli Kitty

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bitch Kitten Photoshoot

Hello Kittens!

I need your help for a photo project on Friday! It is going to be great, I will be creating the ultimate bitch kitten from all of your pretty faces :) So this is just a heads up that I will be wanting to take a picture of you at work on Friday.

See you soon!

(I forgot my kitty name)

Nat Geo Best of 2010 Photos

Just thought you might ant to check these out for a few good "awwwwww moments" to start your day!
Here are the National Geographic BEST pictures of the year.
Kitty Cocktail watch out there are several whale shots...

Machia Velli Kitty

Monday, March 1, 2010

Caribou Coffee Cup Design

I'm in love with the Caribou coffee cup designs. Every time I go in, there seems to be a new design, always better than the last. This reminded me of Maura's lunchbox design, so I had to make a post out of it :) 

They even changed up the logo a bit for this one. It's amazing that they can change their logo to quite an extent, but still have it mark their brand exactly how it did before...Thank you Caribou for your inspiration.

Love from the Senior Center,
Kitty Cocktail